Thursday, October 28, 2010

“The Highwayman and Typhoid Fever Comparison”

Bess dies trying to warn her love that the red- coats were at her house. Patricia dies thinking in shame for putting her love in trouble. For example, Bess was tied down with a gun pointed at her and if she moved, the gun would go off. For Patricia, she was talking to Frankie and in the Fever Hospital they couldn't talk or read peoms. But she kept going Until the Nun moved Frankie upstairs alone. Frank wanted to hear the end of the Highwayman because he wanted to see how it ended.


  1. John, you can't even spell keep? Whats up with that? You can make your paragraph longer than that, lets go!

  2. That is a great comparison between the two stories. Oh, and John you really need to work on your spelling.

  3. Hey I've notcied and I wanted to give you props for keeping up on your classwaork and homework.

  4. Augustine your doing better good job.

  5. Nice job, on your blog post Augustine keep up the good work.

  6. I liked your blog post it was really interesting

  7. Hey John just want to let you know you did a great comparison with the storys. Keep up the good work.
