Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Two Kinds" Mother & Daughter Conflict

The conflict between Mother and Jing-mei is that Mother wants her to become a prodigy, famous at ba young age. Mother pushes Jing-mei to become something that she doesn't want to be. Jing-mei fails to meet her mother's expectations, but Mother had a new plan for her. She wanted Jing-mei to play the piano. Jing-mei felt like Mother was only doing this to satify herself, but Jing-mei didn't want to be a prodigy, she wanted to be herself. For example, when Jing-mei looked at herself in the mirror and saw a girl who didn't want to be what she isn't. She got frustrated with Mother and her decisions she is making for Jing-mei's future.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

“Two Kinds” In the Shoes of a Prodigy

If I were to become a prodigy, I would be a chef because I have the desire to cook. People all over the world would push me to fulfill my destiny. I would make my grandma happy because she is the one that is pushing me right now of becoming more educated and less trouble than my uncles and sisters. For example, Ni-kan didn’t want to be a singer, or a belly dancer, nor a pianist, that much. But her mother was pushing her hard and making her practice the whole week. I predict that the way my grandma is pressuring me, I will become a prodigy of my dreams.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

“My Input for Staff-Teacher Conferences”

I will not lie to anyone; I got the grade that I have because I haven't been doing Ms. Priester. I been too lazy do her homework because of my schedule. I am gone throughout the day, every day, the whole week. So I have very little time to do my homework. My grade is the grade that I deserve and I have nothing against it. I found out yesterday that I can do Ms. Priester's homework right after school. My strength in this class is I tend to finish my work in the “Dog House”. My challenge in this class is that I like to write my work on paper than to type it on a computer. I can be techy, but only when I feel like it. I can have my classmates help me when I need the assistance.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

“Two Kinds” Conflict Experience

An experience that I have been in was when my friend wanted me to steal a car radio. I didn’t want to do it because I have never stole anything before, but he said that I would be making money by selling them. Deep down inside me, I couldn’t believe that I did it because it is a crime to steal. After that, I told him that there are other ways to make money. Ever since then we been trying to get jobs, well I got a job . I don’t know anything about him because it has been awhile. All I know is that, I wont end up in jail for theft.

(She can take down a hog with her own hands.)
hArd worker
(She has rough hands.)
(She keeps her girls’ feelings up after the fire.)
(She puts up with Dee’s attitude everytime sh comes round.)

Friday, September 17, 2010

“Everyday Use" Character to Person Comparison Paragraph”

In the story Everyday Use, the character Dee reminds me of my sister, Renne. The way Dee acts and her attitude resembles to her because my sister acts like the world revolves around her. She always wants to get her way, like Dee. For example, Dee wanted the quilts her grandmother hand-stitched. My sister acts like she is better than everyone. I get so annoyed with her that I just try to do whatever she wants because I don’t want to her nagging. Another example, when Dee took pictures of her family with the raggedy house and a cow in the background.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

"Everyday Use' from Dee's Point of View"

Let me start this story with “Hello”, my name is Dee. I’m gonna tell you a little somethin’ bout my family. My mama, a fine hard workin’ woman , who tries to make me and my sister, Maggie, happy. I may seem a jealous woman, but I want things that are good for my well-nature. My sister got burned in a fire that happened twelve years ago. She was left with scars all down her arm. I could say I’m the pretty one. I’m on my way to see my mother n sister. As I arrive to the pad, I see them jus kickin it on the porch. I needed to take a picture of this. I got my camera and took a picture, but then I’ve seen a cow. You know I had to take a picture of it with them including the crappy house.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

“Everyday Use” Before You Read: Traditions and Heirlooms.

My family tradition is that the girls, on every holiday, cook and the boys have to clean the house. My gradmother alway makes her favorite potato salad. Everybody that has tasted it, says that it is the best. My second oldest sister sometime attemps to make, but it doesn't come out the same. She beggs to know what the special ingrediant, but my grandma says she makes it with love. I have told my grandma that one day I will make the potato salad taste like hers. That is why I love to cook.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Psychiatric Center for Research on Regressive Tendencies

As Leonard Mead walks into the Psychiatric Center, he had a sudden thought about what he had done. He starts thinking about how it is like to be in a loony pin, with all of the crazy and mentally challenged people. He takes his first step through the door. Not a client insight, any nurses to be found. The whole place was empty. The building had a main machine that was at the front desk just sitting there. He walked up to it and it automatically got every-single information about him in one scan. He was amazed of the technology that was being used

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Life in 2053

In the year of 2053, the world is going to be something that you cannot believe seeing with your own eyes. Cities look like a dessert in the middle of nowhere. All of the buildings dilapidated over time. The world would be abandon with no one around. The temperature is raging with heat. The only things that can be heard are the pack of hungry dogs fighting with each other over pieces of scraps and the howling of the wind blowing against your face. The world would be a place where nobody would want to be alone in the dark. In the year 2053, the world would be nothing but another lifeless planet in space.