Monday, May 23, 2011

SPA Prom 2011 or Free Write

I didn't go to prom this year, but I had a really great time at home. I made a very tasty chicken sangwitch. I was qiute intriguing. I was riding a housemate's bike up and down the only street that we have. On Saturday, I spent time with my girlfriend and I went off campus to go on a food-run. It was awesome. My Sunday went really well. I played basketball and then I got chocolate. Yummy, the kit-kats were delicious.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Quote, Summary, or Paraphrase Paragraph

Welcome students! Today, I am going to teach you about what is evidence and some ways to use evidence. Evidence is a thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment. You summarize evidence when you do research papers. To summarize you write the main ideas in your own words and it is usually shorter than the information given to you. You quote evidence when you copy the words of another, usually with acknowledgment of the source. To use a quote you pull a piece of information from the evidence. You paraphrase evidence when you want to use a sentence from the evidence, but don’t plagiarize, switch up a couple of words to make it your own. To paraphrase you rewrite pieces of the evidence in your own words. To help you remember this, you should practice it when a teacher assigns a research project to the class.

Comment-Seeking Post

We all heard that Osama Bin Ladin is dead. They even talked about it on the news. To me, he is still alive. The way the U.S. acted upon his death by celebrating and cheering "He is dead, he is dead!" It was not appropriate. I think that he is still alive, that the United States shot a decoy. Or maybe he is dead but it was part of a plan. It's sort of an easy thing to think of getting back, like retaliation. The U.S. shoots him, Afghanistan plans for revenge, and they kill somebody that is a leader to us. It's a non-stop combat between the United States and Afghanistan.