Wednesday, March 9, 2011

CAHSEE Reflection

The CAHSEE was easy today. There was a few questions that were tricky, but I managed to do my best. The whole room was so quiet that I actually heard myself thinking. The essay portion of the test was pretty easy, but the hard part for me was the engaging opening and that's supose to be the easy stuff. I think I'm going to past the CAHSEE because I tried so hard to remember the material for each problem.Taking the test took me so long that there was only two people emaining, JoJo and I. I'm glad that I got that done with and over.


  1. HaAHHAHA thats good keep up the good work. Also I was stuck on my engaging opeming 2

  2. I am glad you thought the CAHSEE was easy!

  3. Hey,
    great job keep up with your blog it looks good! I like your background it looks good.

  4. I think that you are doing good but what is up with you not doing your homework? You need to pick up the slack and start doing all your assessments.

  5. Why is this your last blog post? We have had so many since this haha.

  6. I think you should really concentrate on your schoolwork right now and start doing more homework. In class i think you have brilliant ideas to contribute now all you have to do is put it down on the blog. Good Luck.
