Friday, February 25, 2011
"Ex- Basketball Player " Paragraph
Athletics are important to me because I am an athlete myself. I do think that it prepares young people for life because you need to have grades in order to play sports. For example, you need at least a 2.0 or higher to be eligable to play all sports. Additional, it can be some sort of motivation for kids to do classwork and homework in order to stay on the team. As a result athletics are important in a young persons life because it would leave the kid looking forward and work hard to be an athlete and prove that they are one.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
SPA Poem

Some days are good
and some are bad.
People say be grateful
for what you have.
Some days feel like it's lost
and some feel like it's found.
People say get up
if you hit the ground.
We may be surrounded by groves.
We may be surrounded by mountains.
You can say this place looks
like the bottom of many fountains.
This place has its days,
days that you would be amazed.
This place has its days,
days that you would try to get away.
They say this is the best place
out of many places.
A place with many different faces.
Faces of many different races.
We may have our downs
and we may have our ups,
it seems like half empty cups.
We come together.
We come as one.
We come as strangers
that like to have fun.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Tonight's Basketball Game
There is a game tonight. I hope we win. This is the last game of the season and we need to go hard. I'm going to eat a lot of chocolate and drink a lot of soda. Before my fun can start, first I need to do my homework. I feel like I am the energizer bunny when I'm at games because I get so hyped up. GO DRAGONS!!!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
"Grape Sherbet" Blog post 2011
I can relate to the "Grape Sherbet" poem because I can remember my favorite dessert when I was 8 years old, it was chocolate covered poppers. They were the best. The phrase that help me imagine this poem is "Each dollop of sherbet is like salt on a melon that makes it sweeter." Imagery helps the reader to visualize the story or poem in their head and understand it clearly.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
"I am Offering This Poem" Emotion
The emotion that "I am Offering This Poem" by Jimmy Santiago Baca expresses is love. For example, when the author said, "it's all I have to give, and all anyone needs to live". He is trying to say that everybody just need a little love in them to keep on moving. Another example, the author's way of sending this message out was very visualized. That's why the emotion of this poem was love.
"Remember" Homework paragraph
I think these statements are logical because we do make up the world. Our actions, our decisions affects the world around us and everything with in it. For example, if the economy continues to fall, then bigger riots will occur and jobs would vary in time. I do agree with the two statements being logical. The author is trying to say that if we continue to distroy the world, we would risk the lifes of many.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
"Heart! We will forget him!" Paragraph
In the poem "Heart! We will forget him!" the speaker in the poem speaks directly to her heart as if it were another person, a possible reason she talks to her heart seperately could be that she feels the need to talk to somebody, but nobody is there to talk to. Her boyfriend probably cheated on her with another woman for about 5 months and he never told her. She had to find out through her friends and as soon as she saw him, she slapped the bageebees out of him!!! One way I can relate to this poem is that I did that once to a girl, but she never slapped me.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
“A Storm in the Mountains” One with Nature
It was during summer break, I went camping up in Julian. I had a whole week to clear my mind out. I needed the time to myself. There I was sitting on a log just thinking about all of the things that were stressing me out. I heard the howling of the wind brushing against the leaves of the trees. I can see the slow process of how a plant grows. I was taking deep breathes of fresh air and I smelt the different fragrances of the flowers in the air. I got up and went to an empty grass place and laid down. The feeling of that was like laying down on cotton-like pillow. This experience changed the way I was by relaxing and changing my set of mind into a mellow mood.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Paragraph to Persuade You to Read My Poem

The name of my poem is “Cadillac Moon”, written by Kevin Young. Someone should read my poem because the way the author is very descriptive in the poem actually catches one’s interest. You should not read this poem if you don’t understand the way the author writes “slang or omitted words”. You should read the poem anyways because you could the density and the tense behind the poem. The best part of the poem that I liked was “a car stole his spleen. Blind sided. Move along folks—nothing to see here” because it proves that some people just don’t care about the life that is in danger. There is also a counter on it too because the person put himself and other people in danger when he hot wired the car.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Imagery in a Selected Poem Paragraph
In "Cadillac Moon" by Kevin Young, the mood it sets off is very anticipating. The way that it is said and described. For example, "Joy ride. Hot wired. O the rush before the wreck— each Cadillac, a Titanic, an iceberg that's met its match"; It uses the sense of sight because it wants you to visualize how bad the accident was and by comparing it to the Titanic heating the iceberg. Another example would be "playing stickball, a car stole his spleen. Blind sided"; This part of the poem appeals to the sense of touching because it is telling us how the collisionof the automobile felt like. Another example, "Red Cross—the pill-pale ambulance, inside out, he hitched to the hospital"; this appeals to the sense of sight because it is describing the ambulance. The use of imagery expresses feelings by giving descriptive words that we can visualize in our heads and know what is going on.
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