Thursday, December 16, 2010
What I Learned in English 10 this quarter
Monday, December 13, 2010
"Lamb to the Slaughter" - I'm the Detective
Friday, December 10, 2010
"Lamb to the Slaughter" Mary's Giggling
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Situational Irony in My Life
Monday, December 6, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
“First Persuasive Paragraph”
Monday, November 22, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
“The Bass, the River, and Shelia Mant Airhead Stereotype”
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
"Catch the Moon" Falling in Love

When one is in love, they might not notice it at first. Even as a teen, love was a stranger in my eyes. I had older people tell me that the right person for me is when I experience love at first sight. Two years after I got to SPA I was fooling around with other girls, but then “BAAMMM!!!” I met this girl. She wasn’t like all the others. She’s smart, funny, but she was only focus on her education. That was when she got here at SPA. When I laid my eyes on her, my heart started pounding against my chest. I never felt like this in my life. I knew I had to treat her right. Even now I am still with her, but our love isn’t that strong yet. I would say that it is at a point that we can sit on the phone, not saying anything and we would still enjoy it. She may not know this, but when she thinks I don’t notice things, I do. Something that I have noticed is that when I feel down or mad, she is always there to comfort me. I can say that she is my motivation. Now I know why older people say love at first sight because when I saw her, I knew she was the one. Some people might not call it love, but to me that is.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
“The Highwayman and Typhoid Fever Comparison”
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
“Typhoid Fever– Present Tense Childhood Memory”
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
“The Storyteller - Memorable Books from My Childhood”
- Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Sues
- I Just Forgot by Mercer Mayer
- Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
- The Mitten by Jan Brett
- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff
Sam tries to encourage the unknown character to try green eggs and ham, though he meets with little success. The unknown character refuses to taste the dish, insisting that he would not like it. Sam then goes through an assortment of locations and dining partners trying to persuade the unknown character to eat. The unknown character is standing in shallow water after a boat sinks; surrounded by various people and beasts, finally gives in and tries the green eggs and ham on the condition that Sam leaves him alone. He then finds out that he does like it and that he would eat it in the locations and dining partners that were introduced throughout the story.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
“Twenty-Five Random Things About Me”
1. I used to think I was superman when I was 1 years old.
2. My first word was papas when I wanted to eat.
3. When my first tooth fell out, I thought I was dying.
4. When I got my first chain, I thought I was cool.
5. I ate cow tongue at a taco shop, but I threw it back up.
6. I don’t like the way people talk sarcastic towards me.
7. When I was 12, my weight was 147 and when I turned 13, I weighed 127.
8. I love to play the guitar and the drums.
9. My favorite food is fettuccini with parmesan cheese.
10. I like to listen to music because it inspires me to draw.
11. I love to watch action movies while eating junk food.
12. My favorite team for FIFA is the Chivas.
13. I like to play football when I don’t have anything to do.
14. I haven’t been to church since I was 7 years old.
15. When I grow up, I want to be the world’s number one chef.
16. My swimming trunks fell when I dove in the deep end of the pool.
17. I want to go to SDSU for college so I can be an Aztec warrior.
18. My zodiac is a crab, which is a cancer.
19. My first kiss was with my sister’s, Renne, best friend.
20. I think people over their thirties are old, but I will make exceptions.
21. My first bike was a black and orange mongoose.
22. I like to watch Saturday morning cartoons while eating a bowl of Cap’n Crunch.
23. My favorite school subject is math because I love working with numbers.
24. My family nickname to me is “Pansas”, which is embarrassing.
25. My favorite genre of music is Oldies. I listen to them every Sunday on station 92.5.
Monday, October 4, 2010
“My Memorable Days”
My 10 memorable days are:
1. When I was 2, I was taken away from my grandma.
2. When I was 7, my foster dad died from a heart attack.
3. When I turned 9, I got my first 20 dollar bill.
4. I remember when my foster dad bought me a Star Wars battleship from the Swamp Meet.
5. My first time seeing my grandma was in McDonalds.
6. I received my first electric guitar when I was 9.
7. My first trip to Sea World, I bought a stuffed shark as big as me.
8. When I was 11, I found out that my aunt died 3 days before her birthday.
9. I came to San Pasqual on August 16, 2007.
10. When I came back from football practice, I found out that my sister had AWOL.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
"Two Kinds" Mother & Daughter Conflict
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
“Two Kinds” In the Shoes of a Prodigy
If I were to become a prodigy, I would be a chef because I have the desire to cook. People all over the world would push me to fulfill my destiny. I would make my grandma happy because she is the one that is pushing me right now of becoming more educated and less trouble than my uncles and sisters. For example, Ni-kan didn’t want to be a singer, or a belly dancer, nor a pianist, that much. But her mother was pushing her hard and making her practice the whole week. I predict that the way my grandma is pressuring me, I will become a prodigy of my dreams.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
“My Input for Staff-Teacher Conferences”
I will not lie to anyone; I got the grade that I have because I haven't been doing Ms. Priester. I been too lazy do her homework because of my schedule. I am gone throughout the day, every day, the whole week. So I have very little time to do my homework. My grade is the grade that I deserve and I have nothing against it. I found out yesterday that I can do Ms. Priester's homework right after school. My strength in this class is I tend to finish my work in the “Dog House”. My challenge in this class is that I like to write my work on paper than to type it on a computer. I can be techy, but only when I feel like it. I can have my classmates help me when I need the assistance.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
“Two Kinds” Conflict Experience
An experience that I have been in was when my friend wanted me to steal a car radio. I didn’t want to do it because I have never stole anything before, but he said that I would be making money by selling them. Deep down inside me, I couldn’t believe that I did it because it is a crime to steal. After that, I told him that there are other ways to make money. Ever since then we been trying to get jobs, well I got a job . I don’t know anything about him because it has been awhile. All I know is that, I wont end up in jail for theft.
Friday, September 17, 2010
“Everyday Use" Character to Person Comparison Paragraph”
Thursday, September 16, 2010
"Everyday Use' from Dee's Point of View"
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
“Everyday Use” Before You Read: Traditions and Heirlooms.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Psychiatric Center for Research on Regressive Tendencies
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Life in 2053
Monday, August 23, 2010
Paralyzed by Fear
The Three Stooges
Monday, August 16, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010
My Memorable Birthday!!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
My Embarrassing Moment
About 7-8 years ago, I was living with my second foster parents’ house in Lemon Grove. I got up out of my bed, when my foster mom, Angelica, told me to put on nice clothes. I was confused. All dressed up, I walked downstairs to find my right shoe. I saw strangers with cameras and umbrellas just setting up for something. A lady grabbed my hand and told me to fix my hair because I was next to take an individual photo. With everybody doing things in a rush, it sounded like a stampede was in the house. By the end of the individual pictures, we did siblings photos. They made me sit on top of sister’s lap. I thought everything would go smooth but when the person who was taking the pictures told us to stay still. All of a sudden my stomach started rumbling and I accidently farted on my sister’s lap and boy did I clear out the room.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Last Day of Hell Week
Saturday around 9: oo in the morning, I woke up with my roommate’s talk show playing on the radio. I had my Houseparent make me some breakfast before football practice, which was at 10:00. After eating, I got ready for practice. At practice, one of the coaches’ said that he had a treat for us. He wasn’t lying; he made us run 10 miles up a hill. I felt like I was going to die when we were done. Practice went on for 3 and half hours. I was glad that it was over. But at least I got a good exercise out of it.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
First Day Back
Friday, May 7, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Buisness Letter
Escondido, CA, 92025
April 22, 2010
Mr. Ron Major
San Pasqual Academy
17701 San Pasqual Valley Road
Escondido, CA, 92025
Dear Mr. Ron Major:
I am writing to you because the work being done during 7th period should have some sort of credits to it. Since you are the principal, you could make this change happen and it would even give a reason why students have to show up.
I would like to see this change occur because if students know that all the work that they put in towards 7th period, they will get credit. Some students show up so they could get their work done. Don’t you think they deserve at least some credit towards all of the work? I mean they got it done, worked hard, and a long time to finish it.
Thank you in advance for listening and taking time to read this letter. I look forward to talking to you more about this topic and thank you again.
Augustine D. B.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Career Day! Wow, what an exciting, yet very long experience for me. All of the different types of colleges all doing their share in this event. Out of all of them I chose 3 of them which are: Palomar College, Mesa College, and Grossmont College. I went to all of them and ask them a really non-stupid question, “What is your Culinary Arts like? I actually like all of their responses. So that was my exciting Career day, but my feet really hurt at the end that I could barely stand.
I was on restriction yesterday and I was bored out of my mind. I was practicing how to play “Black Magic Woman" on my guitar. But I wanted to go watch the softball game and my staff was nagging at me. I did not like that what so ever. My restriction was sort of a good day because I wasn't mad or anything. I was talking to my house social worker about personal stuff and it was good because we went for a walk. On my way back from the cafe, I was riding my skateboard. When I got to my door I slipped backwards and landed on my butt. Now my butt is hurting.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
CYBER PREDITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Favorite catoon character
Friday, February 19, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Who did I want to be when I was younger?
Friday, February 5, 2010
My Dream House